Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Blow a Bubble!

Procedural text is one of my favourite topics to teach in writing. It's something that kids get and enjoy. They can tell you how to do so many different things and there's so many ways to make it engaging! 
I have involved the kids in many different hands on "how to's" including how to make hot chocolate, hot to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich, how to carve a pumpkin. The ideas are endless and the kids love being able to do the activity as they write down the steps. But their favourite one I've found so far is "how to blow a bubble". 
I started by giving each student a piece of bubble gum and having them write a rough copy of each step. They opened the gum, put it in their mouth, chewed, flattened the gum on their tongue, stuck their tongue in and blew a bubble. Afterwards, I let them chew the gum for awhile as we edited and wrote our good copies :) 
Below is a copy of the good copy paper and a couple other "how to's"

(after the kids wrote this one, I gave them a cut out of a sneaker and a piece of string for them to tie)

(after the kids wrote this one, I gave them a mug cut out and cotton balls for marshmallows)

For, how to blow a bubble, after the students had written their good copies, I gave them a piece of paper and had them draw and cut out their head and a pink balloon for a bubble. Here's a few pictures :) 

The kids LOVED the balloon part - and I put it up for parent teacher - they loved sharing it with their parents as well :) 

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